4645 North 26th St, Suite B ยท 402-488-1113
Links & Resources
Airport/Hotel Information
Lincoln, Nebraska has an airport that is a 20 minute drive to our office. They do have rental cars available there. Omaha, Nebraska has a larger airport that is a 1-hour drive to our office.
Across the street from our office is a hotel. It is the Candlewood Suites. Tell them you are coming to our office to receive our discounted rate.
American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
This Academy has a website with helpful information regarding TMJ. It is a leading organization for training dentists and their staff in Craniofacial Pain.
American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) promotes research and the clinical use of oral appliances and upper airway surgery for the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders and provides training and resources for those who work directly with patients.
CRANIO, The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice was first published in December 1982. The journal was born in the hearts of a group of independent practitioners who were interested in presenting a journalistic format covering the field of temporomandibular disorders not currently being addressed in the professional literature. Today, CRANIO is the oldest and largest journal in the world that devotes its entire emphasis to the reporting of temporomandibular disease and disorders.
TMData Resources
TMData Resources serves health professionals who treat TMD and Sleep Disorders. Their specialty is producing and distributing TMD and sleep-related educational and practice building items and providing marketing & practice management services. They have a variety of educational books and materials relating to TMD and Sleep Disorders, including non-chew cookbooks.