4645 North 26th St, Suite B ยท 402-488-1113
Data from these tests allow Dr. Hoefs to evaluate your symptoms and recommend the best treatment for you. For those with snoring or mild to moderate sleep apnea, Dr. Hoefs often recommends Oral Appliance Therapy. The purpose of all treatments attempt to increase the airway size and ease the flow of air to the lungs during sleep.
Oral Appliance Therapy involves the selection, design, fitting and use of a specially designed oral appliance. When worn during sleep, it maintains an open, unobstructed airway. These appliances are not intended to cure sleep apnea. Their intention is to prevent the apnea and/or snoring from occurring. The appliance must be worn every night.
There are two basic categories of oral appliances for sleep apnea: tongue-retaining devices (TRD) and mandibular advancing devices (MAD). Both of these oral appliances work in in different ways. Feel free to call our office and ask us about these varied treatments.
There are several advantages to oral appliance therapy. It is a non-surgical treatment, thus making it non-invasive, comfortable, easy to care for, less expensive, and convenient to travel with.
Traditional treatments for Sleep Apnea include:
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This positive air pressure inflates the airway, thus preventing airway collapse. The CPAP has proven very successful for patients who can be compliant and wear the device throughout the night. Some patients have found it difficult to wear all night, as it can be uncomfortable and noisy.
Surgery is an option for patients who have severe sleep apnea, and found an obstruction in the airway, or for whom conservative treatments have proven unsuccessful. If choosing this option, be aware of the possible risks and side effects associated with it.
Home Remedies- Ask us about self-help recommendations that can help improve the quality of your sleep and reduce your chance of snoring.